I spoke about this idea in an email I sent out to my subscribers earlier today, but mixing ambient and flash in portraiture is one of the hardest disciplines we can master.
There's a few reasons for this, but first and foremost, getting a blurry subject is something we're trying to avoid and whenever you have long shutter speeds of several seconds, blurry subjects is often what you get.
One of the easiest ways of achieving both a crisp subject as well as that long exposure look is to use ambient light on the background like we have on display here.
I know I've said it many times before, but I'll say it again; I simply love how unique some of these long exposure shots turn out and here our model has moved during the exposure resulting in this really cool effect across parts of her.
This setup, as well as many others will be fully explained at my 'Colour and Exposure Workshop' I have scheduled for this January 25th.
If you'd like to learn more about these long exposure techniques, including light painting and more, follow the link below for more details 😊
But for now though, congrats to us for making it to the weekend 😃 This week has simply flown by and I hope your first full week of 2020 has gotten off to a good start.
Have a fantastic weekend guys and if you have any questions about the long exposure workshop, let me know.
Speak to you on Monday 😎
Model: Alicia Conder
Assist: Jaye Hicks