Long time followers on here will know that I still dabble in film photography. I don't share much of it though as the shots rarely sit with the rest of my work.... but I'd like to try and change that.
These 'Polaroids' on display here were all shot with the Mamiya Universal Press camera. It has interchangeable film backs, but I really bought the Universal Press for that Polaroid back originally.
As many of you know, Polaroid stopped making film a long time ago and all you could buy to replace it was the Fujifilm FP100c instant film (which is what I'm using here). I LOVE that film, but sadly they stopped making that a couple of years ago too 😔
To get that pack film now costs an outrageous amount, so I decided that it might be time to get back into film shooting a bit more seriously.
If you missed my post earlier today, I asked people to shout out if they still shoot film and what cameras they use. The response was HUGE!!!
I was genuinely very surprised to see so many film shooters in here so I'm certainly looking forward to digging into this a little deeper with you guys. Should be a lot of fun for sure.
I'll keep you posted on what direction I go, but I'm looking to get that very distinctive medium format look back. I think if I do that, I better go all in on that so I'm looking at the monstrous 6x7's.
If you guys have any questions about any or all of this, let me know. I'll do my best to answer what I can, but even if I can't answer it, we clearly have a veracious sleeper-crew of film fanatics in here to help instead 😅